Ocean Mist

25 May 2008


Posted by astromme

(boohoo. I had a full post written and my computer decided to crash =/)

I’m amazed by the number of people who look like other I know back at home.

So far I’ve seen:

1 Dave Searl
1 Allie Sipkins
1 Shelby the dog

I saw “Dave” when I was at the Svalbard airport. He looked so similar that even after my double take I had to walk over to see closer and I almost asked if he _was_ Dave, sildenafil otc usa. He even had the same little goatee and other facial hair. I wished that I could have gotten a picture, but, alas, it was time to board the plane.

Yesterday in Svolvaer Allie was walking out of the supermarket where we buy our lunch and dinner.

And Shelby, Peter’s dog was sitting out in front of my hotel. I did manage to get a picture of him =). Look for that on flicker later.

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