Posted by astromme. No Comments
First it’s the Nokia download site choking on the os2008 release (I was lucky enough to get it from a torrent), and then http://repository.maemo.org dies at the release of canola2. After a few hours of piecing together libraries, I have a mirror of all of the necessary things to get canola2 on your n800 or n810.
the deb line is:
deb http://blog.chatonka.com/Canola chinook testing
In the package manager, you can use the following:
Name: Chatonka maemo repository
Web address: http://repo.maemo.chatonka.com
Distribution: chinook
Components: testing
In the future, we (Myself, tps, and others) are trying to create a community-run round-robin repository over here.
From there, install the package “canola2″ as you would do so normally. If things are still not working, try disabling every other repository, refreshing the list, installing, and finally re-enabling the others.
Posted by astromme. No Comments
Well, I would like to be posting more here, and I have a couple of half-completed posts, but I’m very pressed for time. I’m in the middle of finals and this year they’re harder than ever. So, I might show my face more after Friday morning, but until then, off to more studying!
Posted by astromme. No Comments
Now that I’ve switched over to a wordpress blog I can finally use the wordpy client on my n800. Honestly, along with good spam protection, that was one of my driving forces to use wordpress. This blog is now on wp 2.3 and it’s quite nice.
Anyways, back to the purpose of this post. This is my first time blogging from my n800 and I’m finding that the the virtual thumb keyboard is quite usable. Sure, I make mistakes and I’m nowhere near the speed of typing on a real keyboard, but this is lightyears ahead of using the stylus to type something because it’s actually sustainable. Now that I’ve realized this, expect to see a couple of ‘on the go’ posts. Maybe we will get lucky and I’ll figure out how to upload photos. But, for tonight, goodnight.
Posted by astromme. No Comments
I’ve found a promising addition to the KDE4 education suite that goes by the name of Step. Step is a physics simulator that’s in development and is scheduled for release with KDE 4.1. It was introduced as a GSoC project and already is fairly complete. After seeing some great screenshots at http://edu.kde.org/step/ I decided to build it in my kde4 development environment site. Since Step is located in playground/edu/step it was easy to add
module playground/edu
end module
to my ~/.kdesvn-buildrc (The configuration for kdesvn-build).
It built perfectly and when I first ran it I was amazed at how complete and polished it already is.

The above screenshot is an example of Step’s graphing and tracing capabilities. (click to enlarge)
I did find a couple of bugs (and submitted them! kde bugs 153594, 153595) which are probably quite easily fixed. Overall, however, Step is quite usable and feature complete and I’m very exited for the final release of this application.
Posted by astromme. No Comments
Hello everyone, I’m just starting out with this blog. The name (Chatonka) is subject to change.
This blog will start out with posts about my programming experience, interesting things that I find, Kubuntu and KDE4, my tablet PC and my n800. Although, who knows where I’ll be even a few months down the road.
So, I’ve tried blogging twice before, neither attempt lasted longer than a few months. This time should be different. Maybe? =P